Fall is Best?
Fall is best for many reasons. 1.NHL 2.NFL 3.CFL 4.MLB playoffs – there may be other reasons too… In all seriousness, Fall and its cooler temperatures and increased rains are just some of the reasons why when it come to growing lush lawns and gardens, it is definitely best!.
1. Coolness
If you read our post on Seeding you’ll know that all grass on Vancouver Island – even Canada, is cool season grass. Kentucky Blue, Perennial Rye, Fescues..they all prefer a milder (cooler), wetter climate which is exactly why lawns look their best in April, May, September and October and struggle in June, July and August. This is also why Spring and Fall are the best times to a plant new lawn or renovate an existing one. Your garden is no different.
2. Water
You can’t avoid this. Grass is a plant and needs water to stay healthy. Taking months off, while unavoidable does take its toll. The great thing about Fall is the sky just brings the rain which makes September the best month of the year to feed, grow, replace or renovate your lawn and garden.
3. Weeds
Most of the weeds we love to hate – buttercup, dandelions, clover etc grow in cycles. The best way to disrupt their cycles and slow their growth are cooler temperatures and growing a thick strand of turf (lawn). This is why fall is the best time for you to focus on growing a thick healthy lawn. You are going after weeds at their most vulnerable and by planting a healthy lawn or garden now, you will be greatly reducing your chances of a weed invasion the following spring.
4. Budget
Yes, money matters! It’s expensive to replace or renovate a lawn but by doing it in the fall you are choosing a time of increased cash flow. Not only that, there are even some companies that will allow you to pay over the winter! Actually, we only know of one. We suggest you talk to them.
“John rescued our property in every sense of the word. An inexperienced landscaper left over 20,000 sqft of our land in a sand covered disaster that wouldn’t even grow weeds. An email to LushEco changed all that. John had our lawn resurfaced and covered in rich soil that grew beautiful lush grass and now 1 year later it looks like a different lawn. LushEco worked quickly and efficiently, my husband and I were so pleased. We both love the fact that no chemicals are used at all. LushEco does a majority of the maintenance on our property now from pruning to putting down bark mulch to putting up gorgeous Christmas lights. Every week that grey truck pulls up our driveway with filled friendly hardworking people and I always know my yard will look amazing each time they are done. We get multiple compliments on our property now and are asked who does our maintenance and I tell them LushEco.
If anyone needs their lawn to look amazing they need John and his team of experts!”
Vanita, Shawnigan Lake